Casa dos Nichos (Séc. XV)

Casa dos Nichos (Séc. XV)

Casa dos Nichos - Núcleo Museológico de Arqueologia de Viana do Castelo has a permanent exhibition that gathers some of the most representative archaeological pieces discovered in the municipality, intending to be a demonstration of the historical, social and technological evolution, which occurred from Prehistory to the Middle Ages , in the geographical space that today constitutes the territory of Viana do Castelo.

Rua de Viana 66

Viana do Castelo


It is a space open to the community, accessible and inclusive, with a strong pedagogical aspect, in which its educational services develop a great diversity of activities aimed at children, youth, adults, seniors and people with special needs.

In addition, the visitor can access a database, in which he / she finds various information about the sites, monuments and archaeological remains and the younger ones can access educational games and information, presented in a format suitable for different age and school levels.


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Rua de Viana 66 Viana do Castelo


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